39 €/night*

 *Price per adult (age 12 and over) : Bed + Breakfast

Details in Prices and Services

Travel light

Make organising your trip easy

Group'AVélo is a network of accommodation with the ‘Accueil Vélo’ approved label for groups of amateur cyclists (10 - 80 people), along the Loire à Vélo, Vélodyssée, VélocéanVélo Francette and Saint-Jacques à Vélo cycle trails.


Stopovers are located approximately every 30-40 km, permitting pleasant, family-friendly stages, suitable for everyone.


Group'AVélo is for families, groups of friends, children and young people, clubs and associations, ...  in fact, all groups who wish to go on a cycling trip !


From Nevers to Saint-Brévin-les-Pins

From Roscoff to Hendaye

From Pénestin to Saint-Nazaire

From Ouistreham to La Rochelle


De Maubeuge à Roncevaux


23 stopover points for groups of cyclists for one night or more between the region Centre-Val de Loire and Pays de la Loire.

Located approximately every 30-40 km, the approved stopovers (with the label ‘Accueil Vélo’) are ideal for cycling holidays and group trips. 

See Accommodation



The idea of going on a group holiday, with young or not so young people, cycling 40km, organising accommodation, food etc. is tempting, but maybe you’re still not sure you’re ready for the adventure…

Let us help you have a holiday experience with a difference !


The prices, services and facilities at Group'AVélo stopovers are available to everyone. Group’AVélo is run by members of UNAT Pays de Loire, an association dedicated to responsible tourism for all.

More info